In the Creative Coding project, skill development is our top priority. We are dedicated to empowering girls aged 12-16 through skill development.

Enhance Essential Skills
Our focus is on enhancing crucial skills for the future, primarily emphasizing coding and problem solving which were recognized as essential pillars in today's fast-paced technological transformation.

Future Opportunities
By delving into coding concepts and practices, girls not only acquire a valuable skill for this generation but also open doors to future technical careers with high-paying opportunities and exciting possibilities to connect global communities.

Express Creativities
Go beyond technical proficiency and explore the artistry with the code. Girls will learn to use coding as a tool to express their creativities, designing interactive projects, multimedia experiences, and innovative applications.

Safe at Chalmers
Safety is our top priority! At Chalmers, we provides a secure and supportive learning space, ensuring that girls feel comfortable and protected.
Fun Experience
At Chalmers, we believe that learning can be an exciting adventure! Every coding session is fun, turning a classroom into a playground.
Friendly Chalmerists
Meet our fantastic team of instructors and staff! We're not just instructors; we're partners who guide girls through learning adventure with care.
Social Competence
Enhances the overall learning experience, promoting a supportive and inclusive community
Problem Solving and Communication
In the creative coding project, the girls will learn not only how to overcome coding challenges, but also how to communicate the solutions to their fellows effectively. These problem-solving and communication enhance a collaborative environment where ideas and solutions are exchanged dynamically.
Social Interaction
Participants not only interact with their friends but actively engage in discussions, share insights, and provide feedback. Peer interaction in the project extends far beyond just coding challenges; it creates a supportive network where they learn from each other's experiences and inspire one another to explore new possibilities in the digital and artistic world.
Collaboration and Teamwork
It is a collaborative journey where girls engage in teamwork, working together to bring coding projects to life. Learning the codes from scratch, developing coding projects together, and solving problems as a team create a strong sense of friendship and teamwork.
Diversity and Respect
We not only respect but also celebrate diversity in coding styles, approaches, and perspectives. Additionally, respect for diversity in coding skills, backgrounds, and creativity enhances an inclusive learning experience. In this space, everyone is welcome, valued, and empowered, contributing to an international community of learners.
Our door are open! If you have any questions, concerns, or thoughts, feel free to shoot us a message. We'll reach out to you as soon as possible!

Lindholmsplatsen 1, Gothenburg, Sweden, 417 56
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